Sunday, August 16, 2009

di tempat kejadian

kami dalam perjalanan menuju ke kampung.da half way actually.from the starting of the journey, i can see something wrong somewhere with ayah's unser. anyway, the people inside the car seem to neglect it. well..i told kalut about the weird engine sound.but he insist..along, can u plz shut up! instinct memang betul okeh.

so, when ayah want to stop at the petrol kiosk nearby, the unser start to break down.ayah dont want to take any risk, so he drove back to our house. unfortunately, the unser really broke down and the engine start to give a pungent smell.
we stuck there about an hour!

luckily pak long's house near the place where ayah's car broke down.
so ayah call pak long and his friend from ppd pontian~en. Salleh sies.
thanks for both of you and credit for the mechanic and tow truck driver yang sgt lawak ketawakan si photographer di tempat kejadian (chess..i nk letak dlm blog memang kena amik pic). i enclosed here some of the pic taken during the scene.

owh pity the unser. kena tow plak dia.jgn nangis eh.sok blik rmh mcm biasa

sob2..unser.rehat kt bengkel dulu okeh

bye2 ~sambil tgn pn melambai2.haha.x ble blah betul.

so pak long drove us back to our house.
nasib baik.da la bkn jalan utama.
mana mau dapat cab?
nk mintak tlg WQG jauh la plak walaupun i tau dia sanggup dtg nak tolong:)

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