again, its been a while since my last post.
lots of thing has been settled down.
im still in my trial mode to be a good cheff.
pardon me
everything that i cook
satisfied mr adam's qualification!
and obviously my hobby now is cooking:P
urgh i need to finish up thesis writing.
bad timing.
and we're going back to sg buloh this weekend.
it's nor birthday:)
ops and ayah's too!
im thinking of updating my blog regularly
since now im lack with the sense of writing.
p/s: dear syg, i promise 2 hari sekali i update blog okeh:)
owh.btw this is the pics
while we done the outdoor photoshoot
we just want something extraordinary
and we opt to go to singapore
luckily our OP
agree to come with us
i dont delete the watermark as
all the pics i take solely from his FB